Sunday, September 19, 2010

Study time >:-)

IGCSE mock test tomorrow. I don't care about it, actually. Until my teacher said "the scores are going to be written in the report card". OMG NOOO. It's a mock test, why still post the scores? THIS IS WHY I HATE SCHOOL :( Been trying to study since last night but a monster called "Laziness" attacked me >:( and at the end, I took some photos (omg a lot of distraction. Shall get rid of my camera soon!)

My brother's woody. It's a Lego, by the way.

Peanut! :D

O H L O O K. I'm so awesome that 2012 attacked my desk :-)
p/s: that bottle was already in my desk since 3 months ago.

The map of Universal Studio, Singapore. I took the English, Chinese, and Japanese version. I was looking for the Melayu and Tamil version, but I couldn't find it >:

Who would want to study with a book this thick? Not me.

Went out for a dinner. Anyway it's my mom's iPhone.


Gabriella said...

waa ♥ your photos :))
esp for the Woody ^^ haha

Nikki said...

you got skills sis in photography xD
haha :)